Time for resilience (and music)

Etsedera Sedera Ranaivoarinosy Writer Journalist The Roots Music 2020 The Tide.png

It’s no secret this year feels longer and harder than most. Every day I catch someone talking about “last year” when they are talking about something that happened in March or April. Multiples times a day I spot jokes online about how each month (or week as the past US election waiting game taught us) feels like a year.

That is why the word Resilience has never been more used than in the past months. We’ve rediscovered what it means, not just as a concept but as an experience, a state of mind, a tool for survival.

I’ve found mine through friends, through writing, through dancing and as often happens in my life, through music.

That’s why I’m very proud to see my latest piece “Time to get over” published in the Resilience-themed second issue of Aral Sea Production’s the tide. It’s a dive into one of my favourite albums by one of my favourite bands, How I Got Over by The Roots. In it, you’ll learn why this album is perfect for this time or any moment of struggle and hardship when you need extra strength.

I won’t say much more except that you should read it, while also listening to the album (linked below for your convenience).

Listen to How I Got Over on Spotify. The Roots · Album · 2010 · 14 songs.